Recovery Community
At Safe Harbor, we understand that recovery is a progression; one that takes lots of time, patience, understanding, and grace. We believe that the best approach to recovery is alongside one another in love, encouraging, and empowering women to embrace their recovery and purpose. In order to do that, we must learn our identity in the One who created us and has known us from the beginning. We are known by a loving and merciful God and He alone can bring about the restoration and life transformation that we all seek.

At Safe Harbor, the staff believes “the opposite of addiction is connection” and that people find connection through community. Safe Harbor strives to create a Christ-centered community that empowers women to renew, rebuild, and recover their lives.
Safe Harbor believes that the process of recovering from substance use disorder happens best in a committed Christ- centered community that offers a holistic approach to recovery with multiple layers of life-transforming instruction.

A Christ-Centered approach is a holistic approach. God has made each of us physiologically, psychologically, and neurologically complex for a specific purpose. We must honor that design and respect that recovery is a journey; one that God directs, and one that individual’s must embrace with accountability. Being fully surrendered to God is an ongoing process, much like recovery. That is the commonality that we all share; we are all broken and in need of a savior. We are honored to share the journey together; connected for his glory and for his kingdom.”